Merry Christmas

Since December 6, I've been waiting for my holiday cards to be delivered. Each day  I've been disappointed when they don't arrive. Still, other friend's cards come in and it makes me feel lighter, like somehow I'm surrounded by friends who we really haven't seen much of this year. 

Some day our cards will be delivered and I'll bet the timing will seem like a joke or have some strange coincidence. I don't even know if I will mail them out once they arrive, since the moment seems to have passed already. 

This year... I promised myself I wouldn't try to quantify it... but a lot CAN happen in a year. If you're out there, I hope you're still finding a feeling of hope in your heart for what's to come, because I still am. Don't let this crazy game get you down too much. There is still much joy to be had and connections to be made; there is always hope.

The Original

I saw Saturn this past year through a telescope. It was one of the highlights of my year. It's funny to say since it looked like little more than a low res version of a photo of the planet that I might find on the web. But it was cool because for a brief moment, lenses and mirrors were reaching across our universe to project one beautiful planet into my world.

I took miss M to see it. I had promised her we would star gaze one night at Observatory Park. We skipped the talk and went straight to the telescope. I forgot what a beautifully 'ancient' tool it is in an old building. As I watched them adjust the wooden ladder so she could climb it, I thought about my Dad watching me do the same. Though I wasn't as young when I visited this place with him, I'm sure he navigated me through moments of apprehension knowing the payoff would be awesome.

We stopped at the Biosphere 2 during my college visit to check out the University of Arizona. During the tour he kept reminding me that the earth was the original biosphere. Typing this, I wish remembered more about the visit and about the things he tried to teach me that he knew and found interesting.

Still, looking at this photo, I see one of the most important things: one of my original friends in this biosphere and love... so much love.

“For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.” - Carl Sagan

Sissy Walk

D and M were at the reservoir and I really wanted to get out. Tricia ditched brunch and came over to walk with me on the Highline Canal. It was a gorgeous day, the kind that feels unbelievably fantastic at the beginning of Spring. Tricia pushed miss A and I manned Gingy on her leash, to the disapproval of my sissy - an advocate for bicyclists everywhere. We talked shop and we talked non-shop, it was my favorite part of the day.

I like to consider this my Vivian Maier moment...
I was inspired by discovering her that morning.

Rebirth of Cool

It started right about here:

I realized I was working with a highly developed sense of coolness in one little package.

This kid really brings her A-game; every day.

I will admit, not all moments are stone-cold Fonzie.

But if not, she's all, "what's the matta wit you?"

She's got her $#it together. Do you?
If not, it's no biggie, she'll ham it up and make you laugh.

The Sands of Time

We stopped at the

Great Sand Dunes

on our way home from Taos. I had not been there yet. We snuck in and spent the night in the park, which meant when we woke up in the morning, we had the best view of the light coming over the sand. It was a pretty cool stop to make. The walkers in the group loved the adventure; those along for the ride, weren't as pumped on the experience.

she always steels the show...

Hello My Old Heart

The Oh Hello's

Sometimes you just need to escape (ie, try out the new camper)

You need to head south, find a little green chili and some art...that makes it all better. 

Taos is so close you can taste it; and yet when we're there it feels like another part of the world. 
I love it for that. Here are some photos from a quick trip this month. 

breakfast entertainment two days in a row

a few days before our five year anniversary (13 years together)

In Focus

This is one of my favorite photos of D right now. I know it's not the best photo but it just came out this way and I love it because I think it represents our life these days. Everything around us is a blur, we're moving through it trying to find our pace. At times it's tough but it's nice to know we still have each other.

Herding Cats in a Fountain

Photos like this make me realize the passing of time because I know one day we will look back and say how much the kids have grown. We met our friends at the Farmer's Market at East High School on Sunday. The kids mostly just played in the fountain as us mom's lamented not having a whole weekend to celebrate a bride-to-be since that's exactly what the guys were doing with the groom.