
Take me with you into the adventures of your life. 
Show me the things that get you excited. 
Tell me why you want to try something new. 
I want to bear witness to your living, I want to be a part of your dream. 
I am a moon orbiting your world, watching from afar. 
Occasionally you look back at me and feel my glowing presence.

Current mood

Miss A drew this the other day at school and I love it. It’s also pretty accurate for how I’m feeling this weekend. I’ve had low energy the past two days, which could be a hangover. The blog advent calendar has fallen to the wayside along with my early morning writing. The advent calendar at home has had a few empty bags in it and I’m not sure if it’s because kids took the candy out or I forgot to fill it. So a cup that’s either half empty or half full and not quite happy and not quite sad seems pretty suiting at the moment. 

Under the Mistletoe

I remember being 8 and standing precariously under the mistletoe in our house. I loved it, I longed for the moment when I was older and with my true love under the mistletoe. It was pure magic in the moment. I see this same delightful shyness with miss A. She has dallied under the mistletoe in our hallway enough that I put another sprig up in the kitchen so I could more readily catch her in the moment and give her a smooch. I mailed her this card (I've been holding it for a few years now - she loves pigs). The mail woman delivered it today and I left it sitting prominent in our mail basket. I stealthly watched her discover her own addressed envelope. There was no return address, which peaked her curiosity, and she went to her room to open it alone. Later she had to ask me how I mailed it to her? Therein lies the lightness: sometimes not knowing the logistics makes the mundane seem magical.

Deep Thoughts 3.0, chapter 1

I no longer have a toddler. Sorry to realize I haven't captured half the funny things both girls have said to me in their innocent observations. Still, things come up in conversation that are delightfully naive. Version 3.0 captures the braintrust of both my hearts as they navigate this big world.

Can you pause the book?
I'm reading the book... It's me... There's no "pausing"...
Yeah. Pause the book. I want to go look at that bug.

I wish we could hear dogs words so we could hear them.

Now THAT was a fart! (self congratulatory)

I can see that your hands are ticklish.
(and they're going to tickle you.)

I'm not scared of anything but monsters. Because they could be alive, like water snakes.

They guessed my favorite color was blue. And then Story guessed it was Turquoise but then I told them it was aquamagreen.

Misunderstood lyrics
Ooh Woo, I'm a rebel with a kickstand. (Portugal. The man)

We made this city all over the world. (Starship)

Deep Thoughts 2.0, chapter 3

Where did you get that chapstick? Is it Mae's?
No... it's from a store... called... Lipstick.

It's not my forte. 
It's not my fart day either.

(Because we found ourselves at a Latin Mass Sunday morning - long story - and I had to answer a lot of questions):
Why is Jesus on that cross? Brutal.

So Jesus died? Yes. And when's he coming back? Technically he already did. I didn't see him come back. Well no not here today. I mean, they think here today, but like physically not here today...

Why did Jesus need fairy seeds? No, he needed the Philases (or however they spell it). 

What are they eating? The body of... ugh! Little tiny pieces of cracker.

Deep (Holiday) Thoughts 2.0, Chapter 2

Mom if you're on the naughty list, I'll be nice to you.
I don't think that's how it works. 

Mom here's another gift for you. Open it. 
We don't open gifts until Christmas.
We'll this is a different gift. It's a Kwanzaa gift.
(I'm actually pretty proud of her diverse approach to the holidays).

You changed again. Why?
'Cause those goddamin' clothes don't fit me.
What clothes?
Those goddamin' clothes. I hate them. 

What do you want to get Dad for Christmas?
A handful of kitties.