Fresh Cut

It's amazing what can unfold in a year's time. These two keep getting funnier and sassier. 
I love every minute of it. I know they'll put me through my paces like an good comedic genius would.

too funny...

The tomatoes were on autopilot once we got them in to the ground. I know I posted it before but once they started to bloom, each day felt like a scavenger hunt of flavor. I'm so sad to see the cold set in. We have so many green ones left; miss A still tries to make a dent in them.

I Like You A Latte

We met at yoga - 8 am on a Saturday morning. We were talking before class when we got gently reprimanded and asked to take the conversation outside the studio. I shrunk into myself like I was in trouble (like I was a child). I think she did too. Silly glances passed between us. It was awkward to face the adult asserting herself and her wants for the students in her class; it was more awkward because of her approach. We went for coffee after class and discussed it among the 101 other things we wanted to talk about. Alas, there are not enough hours in the day and this proved to be that favorite part of my day.

A Face Only a Mother Could Love

This kid...

She cracks herself up. And "mmmmmms" every bite of food. And moves her head back and forth to say no. Responds with "da da da" when I say "mamama"? She has her four front teeth and says Gigi too (I swear it). Most recently, she's started getting pressure cooker crazy with excitement at the dinner table. She gets all happily worked up like she is going to say something and then just starts laughing. She also breaths heavy like she is upset like a bull but then just smiles when you "call her out" on it. She's got no gross motor skills...well, few...well, we're working on it. She just hasn't had the need thus far. She loves meat and sweet potatoes and grabbing neck meat. She also fancies pooping in the tub.

... I just can't get enough of her baby blues.