I was experiencing darkness this year during the holidays. It was the underbelly of my being I was discovering; the imperfections I have. I was trying to understand how to field moments in a constructive way. We all have our expectations about what we want to happen and then what is really unfolding in our lives. If you pay attention, the holidays have a way of gifting you something new to learn about yourself, whether it's sentimental, communal or personal.
I trust myself to handle the dark moments; to be present with them and as compassionate as possible with myself; to ask for help - to believe I am worthy of asking for more help; to focus on and find the light; to value my being in relation to others; to temper how much I feel compelled to give; and to show up again and again as best I can.
As I go to sleep, I feel surrounded by warmth, comforted by the light and satisfied by the contentment of our family snuggled in as the long dance of Christmas comes to an end.