Good Lighting

Good lighting always inspires an impromptu photo shoot.

Miss M was busy practicing her "bride-to-be" photo ops. 

Unfortunately a blueberry smoothie beat the dress into submission. Not to worry since this is just a dress rehearsal and not the real "wedding day" deal.

ice cream and other cold treats are so much better with friends

Collaborative Art

There are times when miss M asks me to come paint with her. I sit at an undersized chair and we create things on her easel. It's currently one of my most favorite activities to share with her. It's relaxing and some of our creations really inspire me.

The other night I came in to find D and her painting together for the first time. It was so cool to watch. These moments make parenting really great.

I didn't get a shot of their creation but here are some of the other pieces our gallery has been displaying this year.

Fall in Love

The world of leaf blowers never made sense to me until we moved in to this neighborhood. Everywhere, Fall accosted us with beautiful colors and a crisp blanket for our feet to crunch. The leaves took center stage and truth be told, I couldn't have been happier because I love Autumn, it feels like my "season home"

November entered and we packed in our scarecrow and tractor; the leaves were lassoed by rakes and blowers and taken away in a huge truck. The lawn revealed itself again, ready for hibernation, ready for the winter snows.

This is one of the last trees to shed it's leaves in the neighborhood. I realized the other night when I was looking at it in the twilight with it's orangey-pink glow, that I hadn't taken any photos of the leaves because I was too busy just enjoying the colors (and because my camera phone does not do the colors justice). So this is what I have to show for the season.

Hallo (ween)

I didn't get a shot of my princess in her full costume but really, if you visit this blog regularly, you get the gist. Needless to say, Miss M loved the entire day and was enthusiastically "in" the whole time from the daycare parade all the way to watching a movie outside at the neighborhood party and freezing her tushey off. 

Our next door neighbors put out a holiday spread in their front yard too. D threw his hat in to the ring by rigging up his tractor pulling a trailer of hay and kids for a pre-trick-or-treating neighborhood loop. All the kids had a great time (who doesn't on Halloween?!) Actually you want to know who? The person who left trick-or-treating early to come home and hand out an UBER-bowl of candy only to get ~5 knocks at the door. It was crickets around our front porch. The silence did give me time to carve out our "large" pumpkin. Miss A just watched from the sideline not too impressed with my effort. Admittedly it was a rush job, but still one of my most favorite parts of Halloween.  I had to get a photo of the two of them, since the pumpkin almost dwarfed her.

A didn't dress up. I figured I could put her in one of those cuddly little numbers only babies wear (the kind where you wonder to yourself how obscenely cute and tadfully disgusting the whole thing is). You know what I mean;  you end up with scenes like this:
I know, right?!
M had sugar-eyes the rest of the night, once she warmed up from hours of being outside and taking diggers in people's front yards - D said she dumped her basket many times (the absolute must for her this year was the orange jack-o-lantern trick-or-treat basket. I don't even know how she found out about them; when she came out with a request for one prior to the big day, I was a little surprised. I'm pretty sure she squealed when I gave it to her). I think at one point, she said it all was "glorious." I love this wide-eyed photo of her. As of now, she has barely even touched her Halloween candy (I can't say the same for other closest Snickers fans in the house).

I leave you with this shot below. I don't even know what this is, perhaps it's inspired by the doughy pink bear getup or just the insanity of it all...


It was this burning thing within me to have a birthday party for M. We went back and forth for weeks about it. We didn't want to frantically throw a party that would probably be kind of a flop and truth be told, we've been feeling beat down by the universe lately. When I finally tamed my mind about the whole thing and got down to the nuts and bolts of it, I asked miss m what she wanted for her birthday; to which she replied, "pink cupcakes." Done and done. We made these savory treats below for her to bring to school and two days later on her actual birthday, she was surprised anything was happening because we already had made (and ate) the cupcakes. 

Still I worked to make her day special. D was in town and she woke up to balloons greeting her at her bedroom door. Silly mom, that would have been enough. But I had to go and make breakfast fun, including pink marshmallow clouds like we talk about at night so that she dreams of something good not scary. 

Then shaping rose petals (from our garden) because I love giving people flowers. We went swimming after breakfast. Miss A even got in the pool and loved it. M was great and napped promptly once we arrived back home so she could wake up to the promise of a family party. Since she and little m are a year and two days apart as far as birthdays go (not as far as pink dress up dresses and crowns go), we celebrated both of them!

Another year has passed and I find myself shaking my head thinking, "it really does go so fast." I look at the girl in the photo below and I already see so much of her developed. We have conversations now, or forms of them, and I find myself thinking there is so much I need to remember to tell her so that some day she won't feel so alone as a person in this world. The other day she said something to me and I just looked at her thinking, I hope she doesn't make life hard on herself. That's how old she is getting. We have our tough moments but I wouldn't want it any other way. It lets me know she's thinking, she playing, and she's after life rather than fearful of it. We have our good moments too. I love how she makes me laugh, I love how she includes me in her life (like asking me to paint with her in her room), I love how she shows off (like by singing the ABCs while she swings really high). I love how we walk outside and and she yells, "Hi guys" to anyone she sees. Her heart is open and fearless and she shares it with me every day; for that I am beyond grateful. Every day of the past three years I have felt wholeheartedly happy that Miss M is in my life. There's not much else in this life I have embraced as unabashedly. Cheers to our time together little one, you are a jewel in my crown!

A Change of Pace

We went up to the mountains for the night. It was the first time since August when miss A was UBER lethargic and breathing heavily and I made D drive us back home. This time around, we all had fun. Funny how a quick walk proves to be just the thing to remedy a toddlers bad mood (as well as a dog and two over whined parents).

That and a game of hide and seek 
(it's these moments that make toddler hood so endearing 
- she giggled like crazy the whole time while I tried to find her).

Not forgotten, just "back at the ranch" napping while we horsed around.

The Creative Life

I finally took Miss M (and Miss A) to the Denver Art Museum. Who knew they had the coolest kids play area and toddler time every second Sunday of the month. We will surely be back. I loved being downtown and feeling urban again. M loved the art, loved the play, loved the bubbles. My heart swooned that she had such a great time - and we barely looked at any art.

The Monster Mash

It's become a bit of a tradition to get over to Nick's Garden Center every fall to load up on end of the season produce and some green chilies. The kids like their Halloween setup, though they charge an arm and a leg for a simple 50 ft train ride (yeah I am that parent). This year the stars were perfectly aligned with an Emily Thoma visit, which always promises some laughs, such as the moment included here below:
yes I am that mom too: the one that dress her girl in a pumpkin hat
and places here in a field of squash laughing while she writhes in disgust
Here are some other fine moments from the day:

M had to get her texture on in the corn play area.
She wanted to take of all her clothes but settled for lifting up her shirt and laying on her belly
This is my favorite photo from the day.
The whole day was proving to be a comedy of errors, with someone crying at every turn.
Miss A forgave me
We happened upon a pumpkin contest for the largest pumpkin.
This doesn't look like much but... 
this is M leaning on the photo in the background of the last picture.
They were huge. Ranging upwards of 500 lbs
and moved by a forklift to be weighed.
Miss M got her face painted and had to promptly put on a dress when we got home (shocker).
She even allowed the use of a barrette to make sure her paint went unsullied.