Another quick cup before we hit the road for a quick walk before we come back for a quick sit before the morning gets too deep.
Read more6. Mischievous
How strange this existence: four people living under one roof: two over 40, two under 10. Some days I hear the girls from another room and wonder, "what are they doing?" They are in a different world, and it's increasingly becoming one I'm not fully privy to.
Read more2. Enter December
December is like a great, old aunt that shows up at your doorstep when the weather is cold. She comes in with a hobble and a sing-song, "Hellllloooooo"; loud and wonderful and a bit too enthusiastic. Of course you fall deep in her bosom delighting in her fullness, then welcome her inside.
Read moreLa Que Sabe
Come sit next to me,
be still my dear.
Together we will listen to…
I'm Sorry. I'm getting older.
We do it alone and together. We do it with family and friends; happily and begrudgingly. We surprise ourselves and others. We carry on our backs the history we have created while we step in to the future with perpetual hope. There is no other way.
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