2. Enter December

December is like a great, old aunt that shows up at your doorstep when the weather is cold. She comes in with a hobble and a sing-song, "Hellllloooooo"; loud and wonderful and a bit too enthusiastic. Of course you fall deep in her bosom delighting in her fullness, then welcome her inside. 

The best towels have been laid out, fresh candles are lit and the house smells like cinnamon. She takes off her heavy coat (from travels throughout the year) and sits down to a cup of tea next to your hearth. She tells you all about her journey since she left your house a year ago and you remember that you forgot some things from the last time she was here. You look and listen for the pieces you hold dear about her. You are glad she has come, as her mere presence smells like cookies and the children come to jump in her lap. 

Each time she enters, you eye her magical bag of curiosity and wonder when she will open it? It's as if starlight speckles out when she pulls apart the handles and faces will surely be aglow as they gaze upon her collection of goodies and surprises. Sometimes the best part is watching others watch her; she can't help but inspire a twinkle in one's eye. 

Her nurturing wholeness is present to the daily chores, as she helps you fold up another year and prepare to pack it away. Yes this strange house guest will stay for weeks; it's daunting to think about all at once. You know you will be up late reminiscing and preparing and it will be tiring but joyous too. She will remind you of memories and years past; she is the closest thing you have to a magic muse. She has come to join you on your journey to the shortest day of the year, anticipating the light that will return again soon and hopeful for the fresh adventures to come after she is gone once again.