Winter Snow Day

The cold keeps me in. What can I say: I'm fair-weather at best (really I just prefer to be warm). So this winter business is brutal on a mom with two kids. Any promise of playing in the sun is neurotically fueled by getting dressed and out in the fresh air.

 Getting miss M on board is a charge of it's own making. Usually though, once she goes, she likes it.

M with her snowman

January Catch-up

I'm posting like catch-up is my business. Here are some shots from January I have been slacking on but want to post.

I love this face a million times over, and the leg...where does she come up with this stuff?!
A day in the life
Froggie gets lost for days...again...
Did I mention we acquired and, then rather quickly, sold a snowmobile this month?

A Face Only a Mother Could Love

This kid...

She cracks herself up. And "mmmmmms" every bite of food. And moves her head back and forth to say no. Responds with "da da da" when I say "mamama"? She has her four front teeth and says Gigi too (I swear it). Most recently, she's started getting pressure cooker crazy with excitement at the dinner table. She gets all happily worked up like she is going to say something and then just starts laughing. She also breaths heavy like she is upset like a bull but then just smiles when you "call her out" on it. She's got no gross motor skills...well, few...well, we're working on it. She just hasn't had the need thus far. She loves meat and sweet potatoes and grabbing neck meat. She also fancies pooping in the tub.

... I just can't get enough of her baby blues. 

Warm Weather

This fine weather has made for some beautiful days around here. I'm feeling a bit low today but looking at pictures of you always make me smile, especially on your birthday. Here's hoping you're somewhere enjoying yourself too!

18 in a Day

My niece turned 18...kind of a big milestone but in today's culture, the celebration seems to fizzle in between getting your driver's license and graduating from high school. Still Deb managed to make a fuss to let her know how great she is. We all met at Steuben's for some fine eats and good laughs. So proud of my sister for pulling together us women to celebrate the newest one in our group. There are days when I still think of myself as a college student going to meet her in California. And yet now she climbs mountains and volunteers and works. Can't wait to see where she heads next!

2013 Reading List

It's been a slow year in the reading realm...Next year, I will find time to follow words across the page!

Rules of Civility by Amor Towles
She Matters: A Life in Friendships by Susanna Sonnenberg
Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg

Want to Read:
A Marker to Measure Drift by Alexander Maksik