Advent Calendar, Take II

I had such a great time last year putting together special daily blog treats for the thisisish Advent Calendar. I am living a childhood dream right here (this is a direct example of the curse of a large family - having only a few days of the advent calendar allotted to your opening).

Anywho, I couldn't wait to get it going again this year. In fact, I planned to correctly start it on the day it should begin, the fourth Sunday before Christmas. Now let's be honest here: this countdown isn't really about Christianity or JC (it's more about looking forward to a daily surprise) but I do feel obliged to loosely respect the religion that was spoon fed to me for so many years. In that vein, I am a leetle late getting going but still will be here everyday with a treat for you, should you choose to check the page. Also new this year, I am trying to provide more things to meditate on, between the chewy rich goodness of a cheesy Christmas clip or a Glee cover (it still blows my mind). BUT again, who am I kidding, I default to elementary humor most of the time.

Enjoy the sentiment this time of year inspires!