Italian Balsamic and a Dream

Deb brought back some of the most delicious Tondo Balsamic Vinegar from a little place called "Italy". It is one of those delightful treats you almost don't want to open because you want to have it forever. Then you realize to truly live is to open the bottle and enjoy the flavor in your every day. This sweet treat was my award for starting off my Whole30 with Nancy. It was something I attempted last August and only made a go of for three days before I cracked. My failure in August was eating away at me (and my possible leaky gut) when Nancy started talking about wanting to make a change in her diet; I suggested this might be a good challenge for us to do together, as I was looking for a way to break up with sugar. Really I just wanted the badge of honor of having completed it fully since I failed the first time. So this captures my first day, my beautiful beginning.