I knew it was going to be a marathon. Two weeks of sleeping in the Swinger in the driveway and a full-on house remodel/demo was enough to make anyone rethink the whole business of moving. Our new neighbors watched from their yards or stopped by to say "hi" and marvel at the sheer amount of stuff Mr. STD was getting done. D was a rock star and slightly obnoxious with the tractor and excavator in the backyard digging up stuff. I was pretty good myself and Miss M was seamless. Gingy was fine once she realized she was on the boat when we left the Gilpin house
(until then, I'm convinced she thought we were going to leave her behind). There certainly were challenging moments all around. Still, with every new neighbor we met or every errand we ran, we were validated with our choice and so happy to be home. As our house began to take shape and we filled the space with "us", the potential we envisioned began to come true.
On Thanksgiving morning, we woke up in our bed in our new bedroom, with Maddie in her crib in her new bedroom; I was truly thankful. Though the Swinger proved to be a true piece of serenity in our move, I was happy to be in my real bed. I felt like we were "out of the woods" of moving so to speak. The sweet knowledge that the Landrums spent a good chunk of their Wednesday at our house getting everything we owned inside our walls still warms my heart. It made for some sweet Thanksgiving synchronicity.
We were home, in bed, with nothing to do but relax. Does anything really feel better than that? The only way I can describe the day is to say it felt like the release after a surge of adrenalin... a two week surge of adrenalin that had us running pretty much full time. We went to Whole Foods and even tried to go out to breakfast. I could barely bring myself to make the sides I promised to bring to the Rodger's house. It was a day for laying low after so much change.
The only thing sweeter was heading to Nancy and Ed's for a great meal at a beautiful table with some of my family and the ever-incomparable Emily Thoma. The food was outstanding: my favorite as always, Deb's cornbread stuffing. The desserts were a delight. The evening just what we needed.
Nancy and Ed and the guest of honor |
D getting in on the carving action |
Little M and Nancy - one of my favorites from the night! |
Katy and Deb |
Nancy and Emily's Martha Stewart Table |
Ready for the eating... and the drinking... |
A pre-group shot, which is always fun |
Happy Thanksgiving 2012 |
I know this entry makes it sound like we are done now with our all projects in the house. We are not; we are far from it. But we are in the process of settling now as opposed to "transition", "chaos", "motor home-living", etc.