D was happy to get the Swinger all dolled up for an art night with the ladies. He didn't even mind being the only guy in the group (who am I kidding, that guy never turns down a chance to be the only guy surrounded by ladies). He kept telling me I had to "prepare" more for the evening but I kept telling him, these ladies and art nights in general don't warrant an obscene amount of planning. They are more free and easy than that; things just unfold and, personally, that's why I like it so much.
In any case his little seed was planted firmly in my head and I did end up searching for some cool gallery event that night to head to because part of the delight of the Swinger is feeling like you are on parade while driving down the street. It's like having your own personal city bus to yourself...and you could be making something in an oven while you roll. I didn't find anything cool to do so we settled for City Park and the sweet relaxation of just hanging out in a motor home. Julie walked us through her branding work for Lassen Ale Works at the Pioneer Saloon, a new venture in Susanville, CA. It was fun to review/brainstorm about her ideas for beer labels, coasters, and the logo itself. She really has been working her tail off on some cool designs (as always). I can't wait to see it all in play with a cold beer in hand!