an oldy but a goody...

Here's what I like about this guy: He really would want to ACTUALLY catch this fish... and then he would cook it...and then he would eat the whole thing himself...and not gain a pound (because he's so friggin' active). Needless to say, the guy has an appetite for life. So much so, he got the nickname of "Action Andy" by some English gals on this trip (it sounds scandalous but really had more to do with a diving knife he strapped to his calf every time he went in the water). He plans, he envisions, he creates and then he lives many things. It really is admirable... and tiresome to watch. Still, I wouldn't trade him for the world. Many days he makes me feel as inspiring as any of these other "projects" that he chases.

Happy Birthday Babe! I wish you your heart's content.