
I love the colors of Spring.

There are little hints of growth popping up all over town.

Daisies can be found here and there, the yellow so stark and beautiful against the slowly reviving wreckage of winter. They held strong against the snow, which returned Wednesday only to melt soon enough and green things up even more. It’s as if Winter doesn’t want to leave; a little jealous perhaps? I wouldn’t want to go either... the party is just starting to pop.

Tuesday I spent some time taking photos of the flowers from Easter brunch. I think I was eating a Cadbury Egg a bunny left for me in a basket. God damn they're good. I would have done a photo shoot on it too, but it disappeared rather quickly.

What a treat it is to have so many fresh flowers in our house. It makes me smile everytime I look at them. I glance across the cutting board to the table and see the vibrant glow from their tips or the curve of them opening up - so graceful and delicate. We sip drinks with them in the kitchen and talk about how nice it is to have them around, as if they're fantastic house guests who make us feel more interesting.

Thought I would share them with you and keep the beauty alive.