Tuesday was another Art Night. As always, I both came and went inspired by the idea of getting together with funny, creative women to make schtuff. It fell on my favorite weekday and came after my Lemonade experience - I was one Cloud 9. I blogged about the evening on the D'Podge Site.
The thing is, these are really intelligent, supportive women. I find myself wanting to soak in everything in their midst. They are uninhibited, they are funny, they are the type of ladies who listen to good music and hear things on NPR and want to discuss them over good food. And they're not scared of candy gossip either, which is nice sometimes - to be able to just be silly.
The other night, I walked in and was presented with gifts from J. She always does things to show she's thinking about me and makes me feel a bit special. She passed along Julie and Julia by Julie Powell for me to read, which I was so excited about because I loved the movie (Meryl Streep is unbelievable...really outstanding). J also helped me with a design situation of sorts and then presented me with a yummy pre-birthday Wooden Ships Flapper Pull Thru Scarf, which we saw while shopping at Decade pre-Christmas. I almost skipped to work in it the next day while yelling about how fabulous I felt. Admittedly, it was a Bridget Jones moment. Seriously though, it was touching on so many fronts. I created a candle (an activity done at a different art night that I missed) and then I tried my luck at contour drawing. There's something about drawing lately; like I want to exercise my brain. It's rarely pretty but I am inspired to do it these days. I also found J had a set of the yoga cards I used to get in a class at Samadhi. I have one hanging over my desk that says, "Success is not found in what you have achieved, but rather who you have become." I opened the box the other night to find the one on top read, "What is, is. What is not, is not. No amount of wishing or wanting can change that simple fact." It felt so timely with my "whatever happens, happens" lesson. J let me take it with me that night. So many great things to receive.