I like you already though I’m just getting to know you. I think we are going to be fast friends and have a great year together; one with many new adventures and a lot of love. I am excited about the possibilities. I am excited to be sharing this with you. Funny, I always thought 33 would be my first love... and don't get me wrong, we did have a great time, but it was a tough love of sorts. Not that it was all bad, just that I am ready to let go and move on to the next great thing.
I am looking for something new and healthy. I am ready to embrace the possibilities and respond rather than react to life. I am ready to love myself wholly, love my husband mostly, and love my dog always. I think you will fit in just nicely. I think you will like how we live and what we do with our days. The world is our oyster, 34. You and I together tracking 365 days. What will we come across? I can’t wait to find out.