I fear I have no vision for how to traverse this wilderness but I have been caught in an eddy and must trust my instincts to survive in the flow. No longer stuck on the island of my mind, movement has come for me. I can't sit still. I feel compelled to flex to the whims of the environment.
I am ready to leave behind the fear-based thinking that stifled me so many times in the past. It is a true task to embrace myself, to believe in my potential, to forgive myself for not being perfect. I am no longer scared of myself, and trust I can handle so much more than I imagined.
I feel hopeful and alive. Spring is coming and I will clamor into the freshness and go for a ride. Am I able to leave everything I know, to relinquish what is familiar? I shall leave my expectations of the future and most of what I have thought was valuable in the field beside my biggest fears and hop into that river to battle the flow. I know in my bones I will reach the other side.