
The true gift as we age is moving from what society tells us to value to what we find meaningful and valuable. We begin with colorful robes and medals adorned with possibility. As we grow, we craft jewels from found treasures and moments we’ve uncovered, experienced or survived. Our presence is larger, yet we no longer feel the need to stand out but rather to commune with our surroundings. Not disappear, but rather we find comfort in our space. We honor how we have grown, celebrate our gifts and pass them along for a new generation, a new cycle to grow.

My time not working helped me experience an existence where I wasn’t hustling to get everything done. I didn’t feel overwhelmed by what needed to be accomplished in the day. I felt connected to the world, to my intuition and to my family. Yet I needed more gusto and gumption around what I could do for myself and what I could do to change my days.