This is the time of year when tulips are blooming like crazy. I point them out to miss M, I love this time of year. She has a tendency these days to rip them out of people's yards and bring them to me as a gift. It's funny and endearing and a little awkward at best. I joke with the neighbors that it is how I will landscape my entire yard. The other day she crossed the neighbor's yard with the most beautiful long-stemmed pink tulip, bulb and all. I didn't know what to do so I just planted it in our box on the porch. It wasn't happy and miss M was sad to see it wasn't growing after we replanted it. Still though, tulips make everything a little more delightful.
I was walking after a Yin Yoga class, when all my senses were heightened and the world seemed entirely magical. I came across this tulip and figured I would "pick" it for miss M. Back in college I had a friend who told me here and her boyfriend would point flowers out to each other and say, "That ones for you" so they could delight in it, without picking it and ultimately killing it.
I was walking after a Yin Yoga class, when all my senses were heightened and the world seemed entirely magical. I came across this tulip and figured I would "pick" it for miss M. Back in college I had a friend who told me here and her boyfriend would point flowers out to each other and say, "That ones for you" so they could delight in it, without picking it and ultimately killing it.