In the Land of Honey and Nectar (aka Green Chili and Enchiladas)

D pushed for a weekend getaway to Taos. It was really what I needed: a change of pace and a little New Mexico in my life. Nothing like a different environment and new energy to gain some perspective. We left early Friday and visited friends in the Springs before setting out on the five hour drive south. It was seamless with Miss M napping and then using her new dvr player from Grammy Maillet. Once in town, we immediately stopped at the Dragonfly Cafe for an early dinner (one of my favorite Taos spots thanks to Julie and her always spot on recommendations).

It was here, I got to catch a moment like this...

and daydream about the possibilities of these sweet delights
(this is also the spot where Miss M would use her booty to nudge a stranger 
out of the way so she too could daydream about what belonged in her belly).

Traveling always inspires gratitude. 
This was the reminder I had at breakfast on my birthday.

I was happy enough to just be in Taos; but the subtle expectations of a birthday and the pressure from a husband just wanting me to have a good day was more than I could handle. My sweetheart had such a sweet heart for me that Saturday. Truth be told, I'm not much of a birthday person when it comes to myself. Still I managed to find moments like this:

Thankfully he was still there with our love set in stone when I returned to my senses.

 Sunday brought so many great moments...
like this, at my favorite spot with a meal I daydreamed about while planning the trip.
We met an artist with the best energy and coolest gallery
She let Miss M (highly intoxicated by a lollipop) play a drum in her music room, 
which helped us all out and we bought one of her paintings.

Sunday we had breakfast at the B&B, walked more shops and looked at art and bought some stuff. Miss M had a stellar nap, and so did we. I found a new dinner spot, Antonio's (after lamenting Love Apple not being open - next time). It was absolutely 100% delicious and left me feeling like we had achieved our food goals for the trip. 

It was a fine end to a day that left me wondering what to pick when I asked D what his favorite part of the day was. We both agreed in our silent contemplation that there were so many good things that happened that day. We went to sleep with the flames from the fireplace dancing in the dark.

And then we woke up and headed home.