Just the Tip...

JH forwarded me an e-mail with photos of Dalton Ghetti's artwork today. I was pretty inspired by his enthusiasm to create these works of art in a clearly unsaturated medium. Can you believe he never sells any of it, he only gives it away to friends (a true artist of sorts) - or displays it at the New Britain Museum of American Art. The exhibit? Meticulous Masterpieces. Meticulous for sure...for 25 years... when he finally settled on pencils rather than say broom sticks. Can you believe this guy doesn't even use a magnifying glass?! He does however yield a razor blade, sewing needle, and sculpting knife.

A carpenter by day, he does this in his spare time because it makes his heart happy. "I do it from my heart, I do it when I feel like - and I pretty much do it for myself," he said. "It's my own interest in the small things in life that drove me to call people's attention to them."

Wouldn't it be great if we all did something like this everyday? Just to make our heart happy.