(Louis Armstrong)
I have time this morning to lolly gag; to lay in bed and feel the soft warmth of the down. Denver is wrapped in a light Fall fog and I smell the coffee long before I roll out of my nest. The smell is like a promise that becomes more and more intriguing as I let go of dreams and accept the easy Sunday morning reality.
I love for days to begin like this: there is no rush, it’s easy, quiet and has a sense of peace. It’s about sipping coffee with two hands like in a Folgers commercial. In the backyard, I consider the weather and eye the red of certain tomatoes against their status yesterday. Gingy comes back to me again and again, conspiring for a pat and dropping hints about a great meandering walk. We are BFFs.
NPR rattles in the background and I mull word puzzles in my head and guess answers as they play the game on the radio. I have a strong showing for the early hour. Warm coffee refreshed in my mug, I go down to the office and journal. Now I'm listening to Billie Holiday Radio on Last.FM because I need to check out "I Cover the Waterfront". I haven't heard it before and I’m reading “The Song is You” by Arthur Phillips; he starts the book telling a story about that song and I need the context more than just knowing how Billie sounds. She fits nicely into my Sunday morning. Her music always feels like an old friend, my age and life experiences constantly changing my perception of the tunes. Before I used to listen to her music feeling like I was living in a fond memory waiting for life to happen. This morning, “Easy Living” feels like it was written just for these past few weekends, for life these days.
I have time this morning to lolly gag; to lay in bed and feel the soft warmth of the down. Denver is wrapped in a light Fall fog and I smell the coffee long before I roll out of my nest. The smell is like a promise that becomes more and more intriguing as I let go of dreams and accept the easy Sunday morning reality.