Yesterday I had a moment of true brilliance at a little shop called the Pajama Baking Company. M offered to treat me to a cone of my choice for accompanying her to the pool last week. Funny, she doesn’t even know I got the deal - twice. She swore the ice cream was delightful because it is made right there by some talented pastry chef named Anna, as if I needed to be sold on the deal. So I met her and little m and LL at the PBC, a place I had never been to before.
The PBC had it’s garage doors rolled up, letting the hot summer day stream in. Cool air and fun, fresh colors like lime green chairs with pots of fake grass on the tables greeted me as I entered. Reggae played in the background. The Ps were already there. We headed to the case to peruse the choices. I told little m how excited I was to get ice cream. She just tilted her head down and gave me a look as if she was considering what my part was in the whole process. M told me she already tasted some of the flavors and they were divine. Little m claimed she would be having yellow, which was really mango, and one of the best flavors they sold. M went for the strawberry, which was fresh and light and brilliant. I tasted the Macadamia Nut Brittle. Its buttery flavor rolled over my tongue and I almost had to sit down before I lost my balance. As good as it was, I went with the untasted Rasberry Chocolate Truffle. What can I say, I’m a sucker for chocolate in my cream. However, now I have unfinished business with the MNB. My choice was a mistake I must remedy soon.
Ice Cream for Peace!
There’s nothing sweeter than the simplicity of an ice cream date. I truly believe getting ice cream with friends is a citizen's summer duty because it brings us one step closer to world peace. Negative thoughts melt away and bad energy is dispersed as one is left holding a delicate cone topped with frozen dairy. There is nothing more to do but take care of said project with an ease of hand and mouth, which makes one fully present.
Sugar cones held our delectables in place as we sat in the small green chairs licking away at the dream. Little m had ice cream all over her face. M asked her for a taste of the Mango after she shared a taste of her cone. Little m politely replied, “No.” Little m was clearly jamming through the goodness and didn’t want anyone honing in on her cone. Rookie mistake; I’ve been there myself. Later though, as I begged for a taste of the Mango, little m begrudgingly let me and I shared my Rasberry Chocolate Truffle as well. I like to think here is where true ice cream comradery begins (I need to have some part in this play besides "unemployed hobo"). With ice cream friends, everyone has their own taste, which never quit matches up. The brilliance is realized when sharing takes place, so flavors that didn’t make the final cut can still be enjoyed. We finished our cones as passerbys walked the sidewalk on Pearl. It was a beautiful day.